I'm a recent addicted to blog, blogger, googlead, adsense, forums and I'm also addicted to discovering how the websites and the whole internet works!
As an observer (not as an expert) I'll give 5 ideas or tips to have in mind when you want to attract more viewers / traffic to your website.

Be Bold
First and simplest tip, is to be bold! Not only in the contents that you post and supply to your followers, but also when you are writing text apply some of this <b> </b> to emphasize the importance of some word/ phrase!
You should be aware that applying bold to an entire text is not good, because search engines consider it as spam.

Use Google
Google has a great variety of excellent quality products that can help you to improve your blog visibility, increase your traffic, find keywords to use as metatags and much more.
Nowadays is impossible to navigate the internet without visiting a site owned by Google, so it is definitely the ultimate source of inspiration and you should take advantage of it, in order to succeed.

Add Pages
If you are aware of SEO, GoogleAds, CTRs, AdClicks, you should know those tools love text (specially when it's bold). Having said that, when you add a Page - whether it is an "About Us" or "Contacts", it means good material to feed the search engines, gaving them more text to proccess and placing your blog in a better spot.

Give Away
Everyone loves to receive a gift! No matter how cheap, how inappropriate or even meaningless people have an "inner-chip" that responds positively to the act of receiving!
So, with that in mind every month, every week or even every day, create something every day and offer it to your followers, that will make people feel better - and it's also a good way to "advertise yourself".

Don't Cheat
This also means - Be Patient, don't try to hit the fastmoney, try to build a concise and strong site that appeals to persons and don't try to fool Google or worse, your visitors.

Those were my humble tips and ideas that, hopefully, will result for you and for me.